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Joyce Miller is Climbing Kilimanjaro to Support Erie's Future Fund
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Joyce Miller is Climbing Kilimanjaro in June to Support Erie's Future Fund.

Fundraising Amount=$11,315.00 ; Goal=$10,000.00
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I’m climbingKilimanjaroin June to supportErie’s Future Fund,a scholarship program that helps low-income children attend high quality early childhood education programs.

As many of you know, early care and education is mypassion,as it is a good investment for thefuture of our children—a means to ensure children are ready for school,resulting in an educated workforce and productive citizens.

I am initially donating$5,000from my company,Northwest Institute of Research.

My goal is to raise another$5,000,which I will match, for a total of$15,000for

Erie’s Future Fund.

Please help me reach my goal.

Feel free to share this with anyone you know that can help me reach this goal.

I TRULY appreciate it!

 Joyce Ann Miller, Ph.D.  

CEO, Northwest Institute of Research

President Emeritus, KeyStone Research Corporation

3823 West 12th St., Erie, PA  16505


Erie’s Future Fundwas formed in 2011, an outgrowth of the Erie Community Foundation’s Early Childhood Advisory Panel in partnership with United Way of Erie County, Success By 6, members of the Pennsylvania Early Learning Investment Commission, and Erie Together.

What is Erie’s Future Fund?  Erie’s Future Fund, administered by Early Connections,provides scholarships to qualified low-income families throughout Erie County to send their children to a high-quality early childhood education program, and prepare for success in kindergarten.  Quality early childhood education provides a strong foundation that will help our children succeed in school, graduate on time, prepared to become employed, and contribute positively to our community.

What do our scholarship families look like? They are diverse and hardworking.  They consist of grandparents, and great-grandparents, single moms and fathers, foster parents, veterans, active members in the military, college students, different ethnicities, parents with multiple births, families and children with disabilities, and families who have experienced a life-altering injury or loss of their spouse.

The families are a part of our community.  

They are very thankful for your support.

Erie's Future Fund is administered by Early Connections. Early Connections is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization-contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of Early Connections may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.


photo courtesy of www.climb-mt-kilimanjaro.com

Please help me reach my goal. 

Feel free to share this with anyone you know that can help me reach this goal.

I TRULY appreciate it!

Donors and Comments

Michael Plazony  gave  7/28/2015
"You are awesome Joyce!"
Mary Theresa Chimenti  gave  6/27/2015
"You are a true inspiration."
Tom Tupitza  gave  6/27/2015
"Congratulations, Joyce...a great effort for a great cause!"
Rev. Shawn J. Clerkin  gave  6/26/2015
"Thank you, Joyce, for making a difference in this way and in so many other ways!"
Elizabeth McCormick  gave  6/20/2015
"M Café is proud to support Joyce and bring attention to the importance of Early Education!!"
Ann Smith  gave $100.00 6/19/2015
"WOW!! You are truly an inspiration, Joyce!"
Nancy Potter  gave $50.00 6/14/2015
"What you are doing is amazing!"
Barbara Ann Schuetz  gave $50.00 6/13/2015
" Hope you don't run into many Apes. Lots of luck, Barb😉"
Denise Brewster  gave $100.00 6/11/2015
"I know you can accomplish this challenge, Joyce. Good luck and I will see you in July! Denise Brewster"
Mark & Lou Miller  gave  6/11/2015
"Best of Luck! What a great adventure."
Anne L Saxer  gave  6/10/2015
"Wishing a healthy and successful climb ! Anne Saxer"
Derek Sieber  gave $50.00 6/9/2015
"Thanks for doing this, safe travels!"
Stephanie M Williams  gave $50.00 6/9/2015
"Joyce, Thanks for all you are doing to benefit our children in Erie. My best to you!"
Jake Rouch  gave $50.00 6/9/2015
"Leadership...the higher you climb, the harder the wind blows. In this case, literally! Thanks for your example and commitment, Joyce!"
Melissa Sulkowski  gave $50.00 6/9/2015
"What an adventure Joyce! Best of luck to you and happy to support your cause :) Melissa "
Sue Lester  gave  6/5/2015
"Joyce is an inspiration to all. I'm so proud to be one of her dedicated employees. She is truly an empowering woman. Best of luck, Joyce, and enjoy!"
Nadia Havard  gave $50.00 6/4/2015
Anonymous  gave $50.00 6/4/2015
"Amazing! Good Luck!"
William Bland  gave  6/4/2015
"Enjoy the journey Joyce!"
Tila Carrol  gave  6/3/2015
"Way to go Joyce!!!!!"
Eliane Lima  gave $100.00 6/3/2015
"You´re amazing! Good luck!"
Lori Barber  gave $100.00 6/3/2015
"Joyce, Good luck with the climb. We will be anxious to hear all about it when you return. Lori & Joe Barber"
Meredith & Jim Rodenbaugh  gave  6/3/2015
"Thank you Joyce. What a wonderful thing you are doing for the children of Erie County!"
Erin Green  gave  6/3/2015
"Best of luck and THANK YOU for your strong commitment to help raise the children of Erie's future!"
Michelle Harkins  gave  6/2/2015
"Joyce - You are an inspiration! Thank you for everything."
Lauren Bauer  gave  6/2/2015
"Best of luck!"
Sandy Webber  gave  6/2/2015
"Best wishes as you climb Kilimanjaro!"
Mark Johnson  gave  6/2/2015
"Joyce, Enjoy your journey and good luck !"
Nadia Carlin  gave $100.00 6/2/2015
"Be safe, have fun and we all wish you good luck! Love, Drew, Nadia and the boys:)"
Mark Barnes  gave  6/2/2015
"good luck Joyce."
Kim & Sean Beers  gave  6/2/2015
"Enjoy the adventure!"
Anne Mitchell  gave $250.00 6/2/2015
"Go, Joyce! What an amazing goal and awesome that you are doing it for a great cause. All the best, Anne Mitchell"
Chuck Lytle  gave $20.00 6/2/2015
"Slow and steady wins the race. Good Luck"
Mara, Michael & Alexa Puglisi  gave  6/1/2015
"Can't wait to hear about your adventure. Way to go!"
James Hougland  gave  6/1/2015
"Joyce always succeeds in reaching new heights!"
Molly Miller  gave $50.00 6/1/2015
"What an amazing adventure! I am jealous. I can't wait to hear about it. Good luck!"
Lorri Bland  gave $50.00 6/1/2015
"You are a real inspiration Joyce! Enjoy and please share pictures."
Darlene E Kovacs  gave  6/1/2015
"Joyce, thank you for your generosity. Enjoy your adventure!"
Barbara Capozzi  gave $100.00 6/1/2015
"Joyce, I am so excited and proud of you! You've reached many "summits" in your life! Now you can add climbing Kilimanjaro to the list! 🌍"
Tania Bogatova  gave $100.00 6/1/2015
"We support you all the way to Kilimanjaro and beyond, Joyce! Tania, Olga, Pasha, and Timur))"
Lynn Marie McBrier  gave  6/1/2015
"You Go Girl!!"
Leah Manino  gave  6/1/2015
"You are an inspiration Joyce!! Thank you for all of your work towards improving early childhood education!"
AJ Liebel  gave $500.00 6/1/2015
"Best of luck Joyce! You"re one amazing lady! AJ"
Wendy Haydon  gave $100.00 6/1/2015
"Best wishes to you, Joyce, on your climb! I know you'll be successful! Hugs to you, Wendy Haydon"
Elana Como  gave $100.00 6/1/2015
"Best Wishes Joyce! Elana"
Kathleen L Polito  gave  5/31/2015
"You go girl! Good Luck and safe travels!"
Darlene Hamilton  gave $100.00 5/31/2015
"Best of luck with this Joyce. You are a better woman than I for tackling such a feat, but for a great cause. Thanks for your continued support for children and families."
Jan E Friedman  gave $50.00 5/31/2015
Heather Yahn  gave $30.00 5/29/2015
Ross Blake  gave $50.00 5/28/2015
Robin Scheppner  gave  5/28/2015
"I think this will be a bit more challenging than walking up Baer Beach Hill... Godspeed and safe travels, you rock!"
Anita Rose Marcoline  gave  5/27/2015
"Very impressive, Joyce. Be safe and have fun!"
Beth A Burnside  gave $250.00 5/27/2015
"Wishing Joyce lots of luck!"
Barbara Welton  gave  5/27/2015
"Have a great climb, Joyce!"
Colleen Moore Mezler  gave $100.00 5/27/2015
"Joyce, I am so proud of you and wish you the best of luck!!! Thank you for all that you do for our community."
Anonymous  gave  5/26/2015
"Joyce, You are really one "gutsy broad". Bless you! I wish I could climb right along with you. I will, nonetheless, be with you in spirit :) Kitty "
Laurie Root  gave  5/26/2015
"Go Joyce! Will be there with you in spirit - love your support of high quality early childhood care! Best of luck!"
Karen Rzepecki  gave $50.00 5/26/2015
"Good luck and remember to take a selfie at the top!"
William Jackson  gave $50.00 5/26/2015
"Thanks for doing this Joyce!"
Joyce Ann Miller  gave $5,000.00 5/20/2015
"Please add your support to my my initial $5000 donation to Erie's Future Fund--an investment in the future of our children."